After a bit of a reorganisation of the company over the winter, I wanted to put together the strongest possible identity to summarise and explain our approach to life. We are anchored in respect for the past but not limited by it. We want to have fun and enjoy our cars as well.
Last year, a conversation about the Paul Smith art car led me to a chance meeting with Roland Heiler, longstanding boss of Porsche’s ultra-exclusive and high-end design agency, Studio F.A. Porsche. We talked over a cold beer at last year’s Luftgekült and agreed to work together.
The history of the Studio is legendary to Porsche fans already: set up by Butzi Porsche (as Ferdinand Alexander, the son of Ferry, was known), soon after he had designed the 911, it was an independent business based near the family’s homes in Zell am See, Austria. The studio’s first product was the beautiful and ground-breaking Porsche Design Chronograph 1.
Roland and I met earlier this year and discussed Sports Purpose. We talked about approaches to life and what, for each of us, Porsche meant. For me, it is egalitarian, truly excellent in design and development, and made to be used.
For our nascent brand, I wanted an icon that captured a sense of the past in a contemporary way. Hence we now have the new identity. With the huge privilege of using a shape that relates to the RS60 Spyder from 1960, we have a fun logo that combines the original Sports Purpose script with that evocative name.
Bringing this work to life was my good friend and superlative creative, Adrian Morley of The Seen, one of the coolest guys I know and someone I have had the good fortune to work with for over 20 years. Adrian’s small agency punches well above its weight and Ade has worked tirelessly to develop the identity, realise a fresh and attractive website and create the associated collateral. I could not be more delighted with how Adrian has taken the work of Studio F.A. Porsche and realised it across all channels.
As we look forward, so we are informed by how we got here. When I look at our new branding, I feel proud of this small business and excited by the future as we work to enjoy rare Porsche. I do hope that it has your approval too.
thank you, James